Web Accessibility Statement

The CAE Community website administration is committed to providing an accessible web browsing experience to all site visitors. This commitment is met by implementing the practices outlined within the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) where possible throughout the content management system that comprises the foundation of the website. The CAE Community web developers and content moderators have received training on and are experienced in creating web accessible content that is compatible with commonly used assistive software.

The CAE Community website content management system hosts a variety of content types. Many of said content types traverse a moderation workflow, giving moderators the opportunity to correct any issues that inhibit the content's accessibility.

Due to the reliance on third-party modules that has become an industry standard when working with content management systems of this nature, the CAE Community web developers are unable to ensure complete compliance with web accessibility guidelines. While CAE Community web developers and content moderators possess the skills and expertise required for the pursuit of web accessible content creation, they lack the resources to conduct the type of outreach that would be effective in training the thousands of potential CAE Community content creators, located across the United States, for such a pursuit.

The CAE Community website administration is committed to the review and correction of user-submitted content that it deems inaccessible but, due to the disparity in numbers between trained moderators and content creators, it is possible that certain errors may not be caught by moderators before being published.

User-submitted Content Errors May Include:

Third-party Module Errors May Include:

Contact us with Accessibility Concerns

You can contact us with any accessibility concerns you have by emailing us at [email protected] or calling us at 1-909-537-7535.